7. Investigations

Agencies that conduct their own investigations into sexual abuse or harassment must do so promptly, thoroughly, and objectively. The standards require investigations whenever such allegations are made, including third-party and anonymous reports, and prohibit the termination of an investigation on the grounds that the alleged abuser or victim is no longer employed or housed by the facility or agency. In addition, agencies must use investigators who have received special training in conducting sexual abuse investigations.

The standards set forth requirements for gathering and preserving evidence, conducting compelled interviews, determining witness credibility, conducting administrative and criminal investigations, making referrals for criminal prosecution, and retaining records. The standards also provide for situations in which outside investigators perform investigations.

STANDARDS. Click on the following links to access the investigation standards for Adult Prisons and Jails, Community Confinement Facilities, Juvenile Facilities, and Lockups.


Investigations - Resources - General
