§ 115.63 Reporting to other confinement facilities

Purpose of the Standard:

  • To ensure that allegations of custodial sexual abuse that are reported to any facility are timely investigated by the facility where the abuse allegedly occurred. The intent of the standard is to urge facility heads to send the notification to an individual or office that will ensure the facility takes immediate steps to investigate the allegation appropriately and promptly. It is important that the person receiving the report of sexual abuse at the facility understands the seriousness and gravity of the allegation, and that the communication originated at the highest level of the reporting facility. 
  • The standard recognizes that inmates may be reluctant to report sexual abuse during their confinement in the facility where the abuse occurred, but may feel safer disclosing the prior abuse once they are housed in a different facility. The standard’s importance is underscored by the fact that it requires the attention of highest ranking staff at each facility, so that the reports are referred as soon as possible for prompt investigations.
Prisons and Jails

(a) Upon receiving an allegation that an inmate was sexually abused while confined at another facility, the head of the facility that received the allegation shall notify the head of the facility or appropriate office of the agency where the alleged abuse occurred.

(b) Such notification shall be provided as soon as possible, but no later than 72 hours after receiving the allegation.

(c) The agency shall document that it has provided such notification.

(d) The facility head or agency office that receives such notification shall ensure that the allegation is investigated in accordance with these standards.


(a) Upon receiving an allegation that a detainee was sexually abused while confined at another facility, the head of the facility that received the allegation shall notify the head of the facility or appropriate office of the agency where the alleged abuse occurred.

(b) Such notification shall be provided as soon as possible, but no later than 72 hours after receiving the allegation.

(c) The agency shall document that it has provided such notification.

(d) The facility head or agency office that receives such notification shall ensure that the allegation is investigated in accordance with these standards.

Community Confinement

(a) Upon receiving an allegation that a resident was sexually abused while confined at another facility, the head of the facility that received the allegation shall notify the head of the facility or appropriate office of the agency where the alleged abuse occurred.

(b) Such notification shall be provided as soon as possible, but no later than 72 hours after receiving the allegation.

(c) The agency shall document that it has provided such notification.

(d) The facility head or agency office that receives such notification shall ensure that the allegation is investigated in accordance with these standards.

Juvenile Facilities

(a) Upon receiving an allegation that a resident was sexually abused while confined at another facility, the head of the facility that received the allegation shall notify the head of the facility or appropriate office of the agency where the alleged abuse occurred and shall also notify the appropriate investigative agency.

(b) Such notification shall be provided as soon as possible, but no later than 72 hours after receiving the allegation.

(c) The agency shall document that it has provided such notification.

(d) The facility head or agency office that receives such notification shall ensure that the allegation is investigated in accordance with these standards.