FTP Resources for Auditors
The PRC is offering this compilation of auditor resources used by the Field Training Program (FTP). The resources below were developed by the FTP team to aid in obtaining and collecting audit documentation and comprehensive facility data. Certified auditors may opt to use them, but they are not required. Other practitioners may find them useful to guide PREA implementation. Each document is accompanied by a brief description of its use or purpose.
Allegations of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment: input sources diagram
This one-page resource is intended to be used by the auditor and/or shared with the audited facility before the onsite portion of the audit. It may also be used during any phase of the audit to aid in capturing allegations from all potential input sources so the auditor may review documents from the universe of allegations.
Request for Information: Allegations Overview
This nine-page document is intended to be sent by the auditor to the audited facility for completion before the onsite portion of the audit. It is designed to capture more comprehensive sexual abuse and sexual harassment allegations and investigations data not captured in the Pre-Audit Questionnaire. It also includes Appendix A, entitled, Agency Investigative Matrix, which requests an overview of the investigation entities and their scope of authority over administrative and criminal investigations, and Appendix B, entitled, Investigation Process Flow Chart, which requests a visual overview of the flow of investigations at the facility.
PREA Screening & Classification Systems Overview
This two-page document is intended to be sent by the auditor to the audited facility for completion before the onsite portion of the audit as an aid to identifying PREA-specific requirements in the facility’s intake and classification processes. The first page is a completed example for facility reference, while the second page is for facility completion.
Interview Information Request for specialized staff interviews
This five-page document is intended to be sent by the auditor to the audited facility for completion before the onsite portion of the audit to identify all staff who perform duties specific to specialized staff roles so the auditor may appropriately sample for their interviews from each pool of staff that conduct the respective duties.
PREA Audit Interview Notes template
This two-page template is intended for auditor interview note-taking and captures important interview-specific information at the top for ease of reference after the onsite portion of the audit is completed.
Protocol Tracking Sheet - Confined People (Prisons & Jails)
This one-page spreadsheet is for auditor use in prisons and jails. It is intended to capture interviews conducted with confined people and the associated Interview Guides used. (To download, click on link to open in Google Sheets. Select File > Download > Microsoft Excel)
Protocol Tracking Sheet - Confined Youth (Juvenile)
This one-page spreadsheet is for auditor use in juvenile facilities. It is intended to capture interviews conducted with confined youth and the associated Interview Guides used. (To download, click on link to open in Google Sheets. Select File > Download > Microsoft Excel)
Protocol Tracking Sheet - Random & Specialized Staff (Prisons & Jails)
This one-page spreadsheet is for auditor use for prisons and jails, intended to capture interviews conducted with random and specialized staff and the associated Interview Guides used. (To download, click on link to open in Google Sheets. Select File > Download > Microsoft Excel)
Protocol Tracking Sheet - Random & Specialized Staff (Juvenile)
This one-page spreadsheet is for auditor use for juvenile facilities, intended to capture interviews conducted with random and specialized staff and the associated Interview Guides used. (To download, click on link to open in Google Sheets. Select File > Download > Microsoft Excel)