In 2019, as required by the PREA statute, BJA competitively awarded PREA grants to state, local, and tribal agencies to implement plans for creating and expanding “zero-tolerance” cultures for sexual abuse and sexual harassment, including comprehensive approaches to prevention, detection, and responses to incidents of sexual abuse, prioritizing unaddressed gaps either programmatically or through changes in policy and procedures, as they relate to implementation of the PREA standards. Note that the PREA grant program was suspended in Fiscal Years 2016 through 2018 due to limited resources to carry out all of DOJ’s statutory obligations.
Alabama Department of Corrections
The recipient will utilize funds to support the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC). Funds will be utilized to reduce sexual abuse in ADOC facilities by instilling a zero tolerance for sexual abuse culture through specialized training for first responders, providing PREA advocacy services, trauma informed care, inmate education, and conducting PREA audits.
The recipient will utilize funds to support the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office. Funds will be utilized to reduce sexual abuse in the Mac Sim Butler Detention Facility by instilling a zero tolerance for sexual abuse culture through implementing enhanced reporting mechanisms, developing a comprehensive plan to address deficiencies related to preventing, detecting, and responding to prison rape, and promoting integration of the PREA standards.
Los Angeles County Probation Department
The recipient will utilize funds to support the Los Angeles County Probation Department. Funds will be utilized to reduce sexual abuse in juvenile facilities by instilling a zero tolerance for sexual abuse culture through the development of a comprehensive PREA education program for juvenile residents and specialized staff training.
Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services
The recipient will utilize funds to support the District of Columbia Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS). Funds will be utilized to reduce sexual abuse in DYRS facilities by instilling a zero tolerance for sexual abuse culture through specialized counseling and victim advocacy training, providing PREA resources for the hearing impaired, and conducting PREA audits.
County of Escambia Board of County Commissioners
The recipient will utilize funds to support Escambia County Corrections (ECC). Funds will be utilized to reduce sexual abuse in ECC facilities by instilling a zero tolerance for sexual abuse culture through implementing facility specific staffing plans, staff training, improved surveillance, inmate education, and developing a comprehensive plan to address deficiencies related to preventing, detecting, and responding to prison rape.
Michigan Department of Corrections
The recipient will use funds to develop innovative sexual abuse prevention and response programs aimed at protecting inmates who are exceptionally vulnerable to victimization. The goal of this program is to develop promising practices to include a model approach to addressing sexual abuse in facilities with inmates with serious mental illness; a series of training curricula aimed at building staff capacity for working with inmates at high risk of sexual abuse; and model policies for protecting the safety and dignity of transgender inmates.
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
The recipient will utilize funds to support the Cherokee Indian Police Department Detention Center. Funds will be utilized to reduce sexual abuse in the detention center by instilling a zero tolerance for sexual abuse culture through development of a PREA education program, staff training, capacity-building strategies, and developing a comprehensive plan to address deficiencies related to preventing, detecting, and responding to prison rape.
New Jersey Department of Corrections
The recipient's project design is focused on utilizing findings from the NRRC"s "Strengthening Correctional Culture: Eight Ways Corrections Leaders Can Support Their Staff to Reduce Recidivism" and applying these strategies to PREA implementation. The funds will be used to conduct a "root-to-stem" holistic approach to staff training, including assess current organizational culture, update staff training, and implement the eight recommendations to implement culture change. Additionally, the recipient will designate staff to track allegations and related data to identify issues when they arise.
Nevada Division of Child and Family Services
The recipient will utilize funds to support the Nevada Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS). Funds will be utilized to reduce sexual abuse in DCFS facilities by instilling a zero tolerance for sexual abuse culture through enhanced accountability processes, improved risk assessment tools, PREA education for residents, electronic case management, and specialized investigative training.
New York City Department of Corrections
The recipient will use funds to create "Tools for Trauma," to focus on mitigating the negative effects of trauma and vicarious trauma on corrections staff and implementing more trauma-informed policies, procedures, and programming across the agency. The project will fund a trauma expert contractor to provide a gap analysis of current policies and procedures and will deliver trauma-focused training to selected staff. Funding will also be used to streamline the PREA investigations process.
South Carolina Department of Corrections
The recipient will utilize funds to support the South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC). Funds will be utilized to reduce sexual abuse in SCDC facilities by instilling a zero-tolerance-for-sexual abuse culture through improved engagement of offenders, training of staff, capacity-building strategies, improved surveillance, and enhanced accountability processes.
The County of King, Washington
The grant recipient's project will focus on a newly constructed juvenile detention center, the Children and Family Justice Center (CFJC). The CFJC is a less than 500 bed facility that will begin operating in October 2019. This project will focus on Standard 115.313 Supervision and Monitoring and will include the development of a revised staffing plan and a marketing strategy and communication tools to recruit appropriate juvenile detention officers. Strategies include meeting with other juvenile facilities and professional organizations, such as the Council of Juvenile Correctional Facilities, and attending recruiting events.
West Virginia Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation
The grant recipient will use funds to promote a unified culture of sexual safety across multiple types of facilities (prisons, jails, and juvenile), which were recently unified into one system. The funds will also be used to build a trauma-informed response to sexual abuse, including the provision of victim services, and increase accountability by strengthening investigations and working with state police and county prosecutors. Strategies will include policy review, staff training, and mobilization of outside partners.