Understanding Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Inmates, Residents, and Detainees

Date / Time
Webinar Host
Impact Justice
Aisha Canfield, Senior Fellow, Impact Justice

Michela Bowman, Co-Director of the National PREA Resource Center

This pre-recorded webinar focuses on common terminology relating to sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, research, statistics, and the application of specific PREA standards pertaining to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people in confinement.

This 50-minute webinar is designed to be used as a tool to train staff, volunteers, contractors, etc. on understanding LGBTI inmates, residents, and detainees. The webinar can be viewed in segments or as a whole - whichever would best suit your training needs.

This webinar is open to all corrections and detention professionals, juvenile justice professionals, law enforcement personnel, community-based organizations, advocates, and medical and mental health providers. 

As stated above, this webinar is designed to be used as a training tool - so please share this resource with your staff and colleagues so they can benefit from the new and valuable information in our efforts to prevent, detect, monitor, and respond to incidents of sexual assault in corrections.