There are five significant steps throughout the audit process in the OAS:
- The first step is for the OAS technical support team to process an audit initiation and then create it in the OAS. All users tied to the audit will be informed that the requested audit has been created.
- The next step is for the PREA Coordinator/PREA Compliance Manager to begin their work on the PAQ. Once the PAQ is completed, the PREA Coordinator/PREA Compliance Manager will submit it to the auditor for review. This indicates that the audit has begun.
- Once the auditor goes onsite they will begin working through the ACT. This tool is used during each phase of the PREA audit to guide the auditor in making compliance determinations for each provision of every standard.
- Once the ACT is filled out, the audit will either go to corrective action or, if all standards are found compliant, the final report is generated. Corrective action only occurs when the auditor has submitted an interim audit report with one or more standards not met. This initiates a corrective action period for the audit where the agency/facility and the auditor will work in collaboration to address noncompliance.
- Lastly, once that is completed, the final report is generated.
Please note: Agencies/facilities are strongly encouraged, but not required, to complete the PAQ in the OAS (unless otherwise contractually obligated to do so). However, agencies and facilities who choose not to complete the PAQ in the OAS must, at minimum, complete the Facility Information section of the PAQ, check each topic is ready for audit, and submit an otherwise "blank" PAQ. This will allow the auditor to complete their work in the OAS, as required.