The PREA Management Office operates under a statutory obligation to evaluate all PREA auditors for compliance with the Auditor Certification Agreement, the PREA Auditor Handbook, the DOJ Audit Instrument, and to take remedial or disciplinary action where necessary. See 34 U.S.C. § 30307(e)(8)(A)(iii). To fulfill its obligation to evaluate an auditor’s performance, the PREA Management Office, through the PREA Audit Oversight Program, monitors and reviews the work of DOJ-certified PREA auditors, with the goal of ensuring the high quality and integrity of PREA audits.
Auditors who fail to follow their certification requirements are subject to remedial or disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or decertification. Full details regarding the PREA Audit Oversight Program are provided in the PREA Auditor Handbook.