The National PREA Standards: Confidentiality, Ethics, and the Law

Date / Time
Webinar Host
The Project on Addressing Prison Rape
Prof. Brenda V. Smith, Director, The Project on Addressing Prison Rape
Melissa C. Loomis, Staff Attorney, Prisoners' Legal Services of New York

Content of the Webinar:
This webinar focuses on the national PREA Standards and the impact of professional ethical obligations and confidentiality laws for sexual abuse victims in custodial settings. During the webinar, Professor Smith will: (1) briefly review the national PREA Standards applicable to medical and mental health care, reporting, screening, and investigations; (2) discuss relevant ethical obligations held by medical and mental health providers in the correctional context; (3) discuss relevant legal standards in maintaining or breaking confidentiality for victims of sexual abuse in a custodial setting; (4) identify strategies that can be helpful in developing MOUs with medical and mental health care providers in the correctional context; and (5) identify steps agencies can take to address the intersection of the standards, confidentiality, ethics, and the law. 

Who Should Attend:
This webinar is open to all correctional professionals from adult prisons and jails, lockups, juvenile justice agencies and community corrections facilities; medical and mental health staff both in custodial settings and in the community; and civil litigation attorneys, prosecutors and community advocates.

Click here to view the PowerPoint slides for this presentation.