OAS Audit Initiation Process

A requestor (agency- or facility-based administrative staff person or auditor) completes and submits the Audit Initiation Form (see tab above).

Once the Audit Initiation Form has been submitted, a PREA OAS administrator will email Supervisor Confirmation Form(s) to the supervisor(s) indicated on the Audit Initiation Form. Each supervisor must complete and submit their Supervisor Confirmation Form.

Once the Supervisor Confirmation Form has been submitted, a PREA OAS administrator will call the supervisor to verify the information provided on the form. 

After the verification process is complete, a PREA OAS administrator will set up the audit in the OAS and users will be granted access to the OAS. All users will receive emails from the OAS indicating that an audit has been initiated and that their account has been set-up (see User Guides for more information)

Note: Audit initiation will not begin, and access to the OAS will not be provided until the verification process has been completed for all users requesting access.

OAS Process Flowchart